Monday, September 17, 2007

Thing 13: Delicious

Wow it has certainly been quite some time since I have posted.

I absolutely love I had heard of it prior to 23 things, but I never really explored it. I love the idea of having your set of favorites being portable- sharable- etc. Also love the little tool you can download to make adding to your so much easier.

In creating the account for the San Clemente Library- I wanted to see what other libraries are doing with I came across the San Mateo Library's account, and really liked how they use Dewey to organize everything. It makes browsing so much easier. They also had some great links that I used for our account too.

Also fun is to browse the pics on the homepage. You can come across some great websites you may not hear of otherwise. It's also neat to do some searches- such as "foreign languages" and see what comes up. I found some great links for free podcasts- even tried one in German.

Try it yourself and see what you come up with!

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