Saturday, March 10, 2007

7.5 habits of life long learning

7.5 habits of life-long learners:

1) Begin with the end in mind- set goals
2) Accept responsibility for your own learning - seek out opportunities, actively participate
3) View problems as challenges
4) Have confidence in yourself as an effective competent learner
5) Create your own learning toolbox- books, technology, friends, classes, web pages
6) Use technology to your advantage
7) Teach /mentor others
.5) Play- the world is your petting zoo!

In looking at what's the easiest or most difficult habit for me - I can see that I've changed a bit since I have left the academic environment. I think while in school the#1 habit is easier- the end goal is to graduate and be able to apply what you learned in a career. Now that I am out- the difficult part is #2- actively seeking out opportunities to learn more. I think the easiest thing for me is to play and also to view problems as challenges. The most difficult thing is to have a set goal in mind.

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