Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thing 8: RSS and Bloglines

I recently created a bloglines account for myself, and I have to say- it is fun! I don't think I will ever subscribe to hundreds of feeds, as some may do--- but it is a nice and very convenient way of keeping on track of those blogs that I enjoy--as well as news and all things techie.

My "playlists" include the following categories:

*Book Reviews
*Fun Stuff
*Library Stuff

Some of my favorite non-library related blogs are:
*Boing Boing

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thing 7: New Technology

Zotero is a really cool tool that I read about this last week. It's a Firefox tool- and allows users to "grab" book metadata and save it, and edit it. This tool would be helpful for any book lover- or student creating a bibliography.

Here's a nice demo of Zotero.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Thing 6: Flickr Mashup

I just learned not too long ago what the term mashup means--- so I really had great fun exploring the world of Flickr mashups. I was especially taken with Spell with Flickr. Its fun- its whimsical- and I could see it being used in displays at the library.

Here's my name:

A Low pressure Boggle Letter I C I A

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Thing 5: Flickr

Whew- I think things 1-4 just flew by! And now we are at Flickr...

I am admittedly somewhat familiar with Flickr. I love the interface- it lends itself well to browsing, and establishing a social network--its sooo 2.0! I've noticed the interface is so nice - that other sites have used it- like the very crafty etsy - where crafters can sell their goodies.

Here's a pic that I have on my (private) flickr account- Slovakia at sunset.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto

7.5 habits of life long learning

7.5 habits of life-long learners:

1) Begin with the end in mind- set goals
2) Accept responsibility for your own learning - seek out opportunities, actively participate
3) View problems as challenges
4) Have confidence in yourself as an effective competent learner
5) Create your own learning toolbox- books, technology, friends, classes, web pages
6) Use technology to your advantage
7) Teach /mentor others
.5) Play- the world is your petting zoo!

In looking at what's the easiest or most difficult habit for me - I can see that I've changed a bit since I have left the academic environment. I think while in school the#1 habit is easier- the end goal is to graduate and be able to apply what you learned in a career. Now that I am out- the difficult part is #2- actively seeking out opportunities to learn more. I think the easiest thing for me is to play and also to view problems as challenges. The most difficult thing is to have a set goal in mind.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

23 things

Hello! This is my first posting of my first blog- very exciting! I'm looking forward to learning more about Web 2.0. As a librarian, I think its important to keep up on all things techie- plus its always fun to learn! I'm looking forward to learning lots as we embark on "23 things." This is a good reminder that learning can be fun!